Decided by the Press Council on appeal

1857/2024 – Dr Niall Meehan and The Irish Times

By: admin
Posted on: 12-Jul-2024
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Dr Meehan appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that there was an error in the Press Ombudsman’s application of Principle 1.2 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice.

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1916/2024 - A Person and the Irish Daily Mirror and

By: admin
Posted on: 12-Jul-2024
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Abbey Law Solicitors appealed the decision of the Press Ombudsman to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that the Press Ombudsman had erred in the application of Principle 2.3 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment) and Principle 5.1 (Privacy) of the Code of Practice.

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1712/2023 – Ms Denise Breen and

By: admin
Posted on: 11-Apr-2024
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Appeal to the Press Council Gript Media appealed the Press Ombudsman’s decision to the Press Council of Ireland on the grounds that there was an error in the Press Ombudsman’s application of Principles 1 (Truth and Accuracy) and 8 (Prejudice) of the Code of Practice. At its meeting on 3 April 2024 the Press Council considered the appeal on the grounds relied upon and on the information, documentation and submissions made by both parties to the appeal.

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1713/2023 – A Family and the Sunday World

By: admin
Posted on: 11-Apr-2024
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Appeal to the Press Council

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1704/2024 - SAOL Project and the Sunday Independent

By: admin
Posted on: 13-Mar-2024
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1664/2023 - A Man and the Irish Examiner

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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Appeal to Press Council

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1738/2023 - A Man and the Sligo Champion

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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Appeal to Press Council of Ireland

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1709/2023 - A Person and

By: admin
Posted on: 27-Feb-2024
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Appeal to Press Council

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1665/2023 - A Man and The Echo

By: admin
Posted on: 19-Feb-2024
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Appeal to Press Council

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1739/2024 - Headline and

By: admin
Posted on: 08-Dec-2023
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Headline appealed the Press Ombudsman’s decision to the Press Council on the grounds that there had been an error in her application of the Principles of the Code of Practice.

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